RELA - Homepage
External quality control for Reference Laboratories
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RELA - IFCC External Quality assessment scheme for Reference Laboratories in Laboratory Medicine

This site gives you all the information you will need for participating in the RELA scheme.

Time schedule for RELA 2024

Announcement: November 30th, 2023
Deadline for ordering: December 18th, 2023
Shipment of samples: January 2024
Deadline for transmission of results: September 21st, 2024
Reporting results to participants: October 2024
Publishing results on this website: November 2024

Please refer to the navigation area on the left to (for instructions see our new RELA web manual)
- register or log in
- order the survey
- entering your results
- get the evaluation of past surveys
The whole RELA process is described in detail in the IFCC-RELA-EQAS procedure manual.

Offered measurands:
Metabolites and substrates (META): total cholesterol, total glycerol, creatinine, uric acid, urea, glucose, total bilirubine
Electrolytes (ELEC): sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, lithium, magnesium
Enzymes (ENZY): ALT, AP, AST, CK, LDH, GGT, amylase
Glycated hemoglobins (GLYC): HbA1c
Proteins (PROT): total protein
Hormones (HORM): aldosterone, cortisol, progesterone, testosterone, estradiol-17ß, estriol, 17-OH-progesterone
Thyroid hormones (THYR): total thyroxine (TT4), total tri-iodthyronine (TT3)
Therapeutic drugs (THER): digoxin, digitoxin, theophylline
Vitamins (VITA): 25-OH-vitamin D3
Hemoglobin (HEMO): total hemoglobin

© 2021 W.J. Geilenkeuser, RfB